Hello everybody! It’s been a while since my latest post on this DevLog part of my website and I wanted to update you all about what I’m currently working on in my free time; An incremental game called Progress-Ions! I wouldn’t exactly call it an idle game at the moment because fully passive play is not supported yet, but I have a ton of ideas!
In Progress-Ions, you will explore islands, planets, solar systems and the whole galaxy, gathering new skills, knowledge, hire workers, juggle with resources, fight monsters, research science and much more! I have been working on the game about 100 hours so far, and I don’t plan to post daily DevLogs because I have very little free time and having to devote any of it to writing up something sucks the fun out of the projects I do a little.
My goal at the moment is to create a version of the game up to the point where you can leave the first solar system and then release it on Steam Early Access for a small price. I could work away at it forever and release it when it’s 100% ready, but that wouldn’t help me test and balance anything out, and I don’t think I could keep the motivation for a big project like this. Therefore the first release probably won’t have monsters and many of the mechanics I have in mind.
I’m somewhat happy with the 3D models I’ve made in MagicaVoxel so far, but the UI is terrible, so I’ll probably buy some UI assets and try to make it look like a real game before putting it out there. I hope you consider supporting the project if it seems like your jam when it comes out! Thanks!
Jérémie out!