After completing the game flow up to the first level, I felt a bit overwhelmed. I still do. What comes next? I've build the framework of my UI, that's simple enough, and then...
What should come next is the intro cutscene for the first target. Garcian meeting with Mills. How do I go about that? What kind of game object structure do I need in order to make proper cutscenes that I'll be able to re-use later? How does this kind of thing fit in the grand scheme of the game?
There are multiple cutscenes and I have to be able to work with them all with the same structure. I'll go about it with the way the game progresses, so right now I just have to concentrate on that one part, but at the same time I don't want to mess up core concepts that will come and bite me in the ass later. Overwhelming indeed...
- Time spent on the project so far: 19 hours
- Currently working on: Core game systems, first intro cutscene