This weekend I worked a bit on Susie Summers's ring cutscene and the ring acquiring itself. Now that the player has two rings, K-Combos become available. I'm not 100% sure on their mechanics yet, but so far the idea is that when you combo, you switch to other characters and attack with them while giving them bonuses. You might not be able to control which enemy you attack, and I'm not sure if all characters in the combo will attack at once, but these are things I'll try.
I also want to make enemies stronger as you go to later levels. Heaven Smiles from Target 0 would be weaker than Smiles from Target 1 and so forth. I feel that there are not enough enemy types in Killer 7 to justify the power curve of a traditional RPG, and that's my answer to that.
- Time spent on the project so far: 140 hours
- Currently working on: Fire ring and combos implementation