I've created two more rooms this weekend and one was, according to my design docs, going to be a 'maze' of some sorts. Now I don't know if you've seen the size of the rooms in my game, but they don't fit mazes easily. Making bigger rooms could have been a chore, but instead I just decided to zoom out the camera - shout out to Axiom Verge who did the same thing in some spots - so now I know how to make bigger rooms for more epic scenarios. For instance, if at some point in the game you were going to fight, for instance, the whole of your crew at once, it probably wouldn't be in a small-ish room.
Next room is the boss fight against Ensign E. He shoots elemental blasts I think, whatever that means.
Time spent on the project so far: 404 hours
Currently working on: Moving on with the story
Screenshot after the jump: A larger room