This is not an April's fools, this is not a drill, version 2 of One Hundred Reasons To Break Down is released for you to play and then comment on!
After a few hundred hours of work, here is about 16% of the game. There are many things that could be worked on and improved. I know that there is no sound and that the game freezes a bit between rooms, but you can still sink a few hours into it! The save system might not be compatible with the later versions, that being said. Also there is no controller support yet.
Please, anything you find of interest about this game, tell me about it. Either here, or at my twitter @poik007 or by email at Making games is a creative process that only works when reflected upon players, otherwise it is a self-indulgent empty endeavor. The more people who play this and comment on it, the better!
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Currently working on: Testing the whole thing
Time spent on the project so far: 371 hours