There are a few items that allow enemies to drop items when you defeat them; otherwise the chance is 0%. That means that if you never find any such piece of gear, enemies will never drop items. I do think that most of them will be handed over to the player as he completes easy challenges and maybe in boxes placed on the critical path, but it's probably possible to beat the whole game without having any item drop.

I kind of want to make some gun parts / pieces of gear / even guns be drops from enemies, using the enemy cards, the player would see if he got a drop from a specific enemy. Even bosses will drop items! (Don't worry there's a way to re-fight all bosses!) I really love the drop-hunting aspect of games like the GBA/DS castlevanias and I wish I'll be able to convey that a bit in 100RTBD

Currently working on: Continuing the story

Time spent on the project so far: 291 hours

AuthorJérémie Tessier