I'm all for backtracking and exploration once you have unlocked new abilities, but the critical path of the game shouldn't require tons of backtracking in order to complete it. As the game was, once you got the 28th InfoPack and the Double Jump ability, you would go back to the bottom of the map in order to breakdown into State-11 and then go back all the way up to get the 29th InfoPack, and then you'd go back to State-3 to continue. That's not too long of a trek, and there are hidden things here and there that you'll be able to collect if you take the long way around. For people who prefer to go straight to the next story beat, I've decided to add a one-way breakdown pit to get back to State-1 super quickly.

Currently working on: Continuing the story

Time spent on the project so far: 311 hours

Screenshots after the jump: Double jump and new breakdown

AuthorJérémie Tessier