I tried a few methods to make 100RTBD look more interesting during the weekend, and none fully satisfied me. There was the thing where there is radial light that you can use for some neat shadow effects, but it doesn't make much sense in a game where nothing really throws light around. I've also tried some parallax shadows and while the effect is neat, both these methods would require me to go over a lot of stuff in the game and without being sure that it's worth it, I wouldn't dare.

I also fixed the teleport skill; You could use it to get to the 'nearest' safe room and that didn't take into account walls, obstacles and other potential sequence breaking situations. Instead of trying to figure out a way to make skipping around impossible - or worse yet, hardcode teleport locations for every room - I've decided to make it so this skill brings you back to the last safe room you've been. That's pretty much the intended effect anyway. I've also added a small percentage based heal to replace the other effects this skill had.

Time spent on the project so far: 640 hours

Currently working on: Trying to graphical effects, fixing the teleport skill

AuthorJérémie Tessier