Alright people! Some feedback might be appreciated on this one! I'm trying to think if it's worth to redo the style of 100RTBD to be more 3d-ish instead of sprites all over. It would be a solid piece of work, but I realized that I don't want this game to just come out and die immediately into oblivion, as I assume it would be if I released it with a flat boring look, i.e. it would look like babby's first videogame and nobody would ever bother with it.

I'm going to create a twitter poll for this, please vote between the two styles if you can! (Also keep in mind that the 3d style isn't completed yet, but it gives a rough idea of what I have in mind!)

Time spent on the project so far: 630 hours

Currently working on: Trying to change the style

AuthorJérémie Tessier