Making a new room, I encountered the well known issue of having to place some items in a chest. As of right now, the items aren't all programmed - only the ones I've added to the game are. It's giving me issues where I have to decide what item is going to go in a chest and that's informed by how complicated items are to be added in the game. Which item to add? Should I take one that's easy to code - like an usable item that restores some health - or something more complex?
This has lead me to thinking about the advantages of coding everything right now - new enemies, new guns, new items, new skills - so it'll all be done and I could just carry one with the story, placing items/enemies and things like that. It would make that process way faster, but on the other hand I would spend a few days/weeks just making items and enemies and stuff. I'll think about it!
Currently working on: Continuing the story
Time spent on the project so far: 273 hours