So far I was building cards by hand, meaning that each entry in the card table was created like so:

allCards.Add(new Card("octobot","/enemies/base/octobot (2)",false); //Repeat 289 more times

And that was quite annoying and frankly, could be optimized into three loop statements. I've done so, and discovered to my great surprise that I didn't have 300 different enemies, but rather 270, 10 states * 9 enemy ranks (I thought I had ten) * 3 types of enemies. Therefore, my exp calculations to get to ten thousand weren't accurate. Therefore, now bosses give 68 experience instead of 50 and the required enemy kill count is now 32 instead of 30. 

I've also used that opportunity to show the whole card menu as it will appear when you've defeated all the enemies in the game. That lead me to notice that the framerate in it was atrocious, so now I'm fixing that. It'll allow me to see how much space I have for the backstory of this game as well, since it's stored on cards.

Currently working on: Continuing the story

Time spent on the project so far: 265 hours

AuthorJérémie Tessier