I've decided to place static spawn points for my enemies, meaning that they'll always spawn in a few specific points on the different maps, I have also made it so they don't pop in immediately, dealing damage to the player without them having time to react. I also created multiple sets of spawnpoints in a specific map so different enemies will have different spawning zones.

Now the player can properly get hurt and lose durability - but not die, yet - also you can accumulate experience - but not enough to level up yet - and I keep on plinking at the huge map of mostly custom rooms I will have to make myself. About 5 / 1000 done!

Currently working on: Improving the way enemies spawn, continuing the story

Time spent on the project so far: 72 hours

Screenshot 12 and 13 after the jump: Enemies spawning and spawn point placement

AuthorJérémie Tessier