It's amazing how fast you can create things with Unity, well anyways, it didn't take me too long to set up the bases for my GUI, my minimap, the way the item system would work, how my character would interact with things, how cutscenes would work, etc. It's way more convenient to make all rooms of my game actual scenes so I can split the functions in their proper boxes without mixing everything around.

Of course, it's taking me way more time to make these first rooms than it'll take me for the rest of the game, after a while I'll be just making content and the core systems will be done. But while I'm working on them, I'm of course trying to make the game feel good and fun as quickly as possible. The game is getting built as it goes and I'm pretty excited to continue tackling new systems over time!

Currently working on: Creating the GUI, the map, the guns, the enemies and the story beats

Time spent on the project so far: 58 hours

Screenshot 6-7 after the jump: Shooting around and minimap

AuthorJérémie Tessier