The puzzle room is done, you solve the puzzle by picking the computers in the right order. You have to leave/re-enter to try again. It's not perfect, but it works. The reward is a gun part that increases your gun's range by 25%. I also fixed a bug in the saving method where I put all of the gear you had under head gear (while there should also be body gear and misc gear). I'm a bit confused about the number of infopacks my character has, because I should have 15 and I was at 14. I chalked it up to an error when I messed around with the save file directly, but maybe I calculated wrong and there is an infopack missing somewhere, I should try and replay the whole game to figure that out.

Currently working on: Continuing the story

Time spent on the project so far: 223 hours

Screenshot after the jump: A puzzle well solved

AuthorJérémie Tessier