Because of computer issues, I wasn't able to work on the game today. Let's talk about difficulty instead! I feel like fail states in videogames are often used in strange fashions. Running out of lives in the most recent mario games is a bit silly since you can always restart at the level you lost them all (usually) and at most, you'll lose your checkpoint. In older games, when you ran out of lives, you had to start from the beginning.
In older RPGs, when your party was wiped out, it was back to the title screen for you - and if you hadn't saved recently, tough luck - in more recent ones, you can usually restart at the battle you died in, or just before it (so you can change your party/strategy or go somewhere else for now). I think that the difficulty in 100RTBD is difficult to pinpoint since the game automatically saves each room and will never let you respawn with less than 25% of your hit points. Maybe I should make the difficulty up to the player. Maybe when you start the game you could choose a number of times you're allowed to die and if you die more than that, it's game over? There should be an incentive to do so, of course...
Currently working on: Continuing the story
Time spent on the project so far: 200 hours